Hi, my name is Asmit Kunwar, a new intern at Ganga Ghar. I am in the third year of receiving my Bachelors of Social Work from Thames International College. After becoming an intern at Ganga Ghar, I got to be a part of the 2014 child selection drive as one of the team members. It was a very important task and made me feel both thrilled and anxious. However, my past experience working with children boosted up my confidence and eagerness to contribute. I was ready for the journey with all the excitement and willingness to pour my dedication into the project.
We traveled for 15 hours on a long bus journey, which was very tiring. As soon as we reached Jhapa, the fresh air, beautiful scenery, and the smiling warm hearted locals made it all worth it. After freshening up, my teammates and I went for a site visit. I was beginning to like the place already -- no pollution, only fresh in the air; no noises, only soothing hums of birds and laughter of children -- we observed the fields, river, the locals, and the lifestyle which made it enjoyable to be there to do our work.
Our first day of the project began with far more of candidates than we expected. The enthusiasm in the community helped me get over my anxiety as we got down to work. During the process, I was stunned by the heartfelt stories of the families we spoke with. Children growing up in poverty -- homes with no furniture, no proper sanitation, and only a floor mat to sleep on at night. I witnessed their struggle for living, yet they are still cheerful and optimistic, without many complaints. Most of all, I was fascinated that so many people understood the importance of education, and they were so motivated to educate their children.
At times, I felt compelled to lend a personal hand to some of the families we met, but I maintained professionalism throughout the process. I learned held back my emotions where appropriate, but the people we spoke to know that our compassion and dedication is true. I am proud to have assisted such a wonderful project which has benefitted me and the children we work with in so many ways. It is an honor to use my talents in a way that makes such a positive impact on so many people. This project has changed my outlook on life.
I am grateful to Ganga Ghar for providing such an incredible opportunity. Throughout the journey, I experienced success, failure, and new learnings, and I had good times and bad times, but all of the experiences have made me a stronger person. I feel transformed as we work to transform the future for the children and families we help, and ultimately the future of Nepal.